Sunday, August 06, 2006

A few more (April) snaps

Hey, that picture below looks like it could have been taken anywhere, right??? Well, let me apologize for that and give you a few more pictures (again, from my April collection) which give you a bit of a sense of Korea.

A little commentary... I included the first one, so you could get a sense of the skyline, mountains everywhere. I love the way traditional Korean monuments are everywhere, nestled in the bustling city. We caught the 'changing of the guard' at Gyeongbuk-gung Palace. This house is a national monument, built by my mother's grandfather for his cousin poet (the famous) Lee Tae Jeun and where my mother's family lived after the war. The kim chee pots at the house -- this is my favorite picture of the bunch, and I'll probably frame this for my kitchen upon my return.


Blogger Richard Thornton said...

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9:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lovely photos... even if they are from a previous trip.
Here in NYC, I'm doin' my Moondance and wishing good things to come the way of adventurous women! (Ah - yes!)
Temperature's down to the 80's joy of joys... going to get up early (ugg) to queue for tickets for the Central Park theatre's production of Brecht's "Mother Courage" featuring Meryl Streep & Kevin Kline.... love this tasty Apple!
Missin' my NYC guide though...

Keep on climbing those mountains,
D xxx

12:52 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

Richard, Seoul is 13 hours ahead.

D, good luck getting the tickets. You know, the next morning may be too late, so people get in line after the night out the night prior. Good luck and please give us a review of the show (in comments or email).

No more mountains for me for now (I'll have quite a supply in China & Tibet and Patagonia). I now know the short cut through the library that includes air-conditioning and a 5-flight elevator ride, yippee!


3:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blimey.... you were right, madam!
I'll never listen to my friend P again about getting there at 11.00am (I know - I know.... I was stupid!!); the line was closed off well before I got there, and they're still only at the preview stage.

Next time I try I'll just go to a late night gig at Smalls or the Zinc Bar, and then crash out in the ticket line afterwards - or something. A bit like you going to Veselka before taking a flight round the world?

Very glad for you that you have a mountain-climbing breather. Even better it's an air conditioned one!
Moon was beautiful... and she promised us good fortune. So we can breathe an air-conditioned sigh of relief.
D xxx

4:44 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

That was just wishful thinking, dear! You know in New York it is try, try again.

6:30 PM  

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