Thursday, April 26, 2007

Live from Montevideo

I'm in Uruguay's capital, Montevideo. It's a pleasing place, easy to traverse because of its organization (with everything emanating from the main road, 18 de Julio) and relative convenience and compactness (at least with regards to those things that concern me). Despite being a busy city, Montevideo still possesses many tree-lined streets in the city center whose members arc and bow toward each other from opposites sides of the street, creating leafy, shaded pathways for vehicles and pedestrians.

Yesterday night with some fun folks, I went out in the Ciudad Vieja for some live music. The band was talented and fun, playing a variety of styles, including salsa! Hearing the syncopated rhythm of son and dancing salsa felt so good after these many months of times of sitting on a bus or train, listening to music on my iPod while dancing in my head.

Time is winding down fast. Tomorrow I am moving onto the historical town of Colonia, my last place in Uruguay, followed by 3 final nights in Buenos Aires. I fly home on May 1. Gulp.


Blogger Sr. Rider said...

¡Hola Chris!

Es muy interesante todo lo que nos cuentas de Uruguay y de la vida de los gauchos. Ya tenemos muchas ganas de verte para que nos cuentes más detalles de tu viaje en Sudamérica.

¿Has practicado español en Uruguay? Bueno, ya veo que te estás preparando para volver a NY- bailando salsa en Montevideo.

Hasta pronto y un abrazo,


8:49 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

¡Hola Manolo!

¡Gracias por tu mensaje! ¡Claro que sí que estoy arreglandome para volver a NY para bailar salsa!

un abrazo fuerte y hasta pronto!

7:55 PM  

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